Read Common Reasons for Body Hair Removal extra

Common Reasons for Body Hair Removal

Body Odor In Young Children

People have been removing hair from their body for centuries. They do this for different reasons from medical to aesthetic. People also remove body hair for medical, social and other reasons. The most common reason for body hair removal remains aesthetic.

The amount of hair acceptable in men and women are often dictated by society. When one goes against the standards set by the society, he risks social and sexual acceptance.

In many cultures, except for the hair on the head, the amount of bodily hair in women is usually kept at a minimum. This is because hair is often associated with masculinity so women eliminate most of the hair on their body. Women usually remove hair from their armpits, face, legs, bikini lines and others. Women who have thick and coarse leg or facial hair are often made fun of or have trouble fitting into social circles.

Social norms do change over time and in fact many of the social standards regarding hair have changed in the last century. Today, many cultures look at facial hair in women as unattractive. Believe it or not, there was a time when women's eyebrows were not plucked or trimmed. Many cultures, especially in Western countries see clear legs and armpits as beautiful and so women use products and undergo procedures to eliminate hair from these body parts.

Another reason people undergo body hair removal is for hygienic purposes. Women remove hair from their armpits to prevent body odor. Men remove hair from their face to achieve a clean look. Hospitals also remove hair from parts of the body that will be operated on. This is to prevent bacteria and germs from proliferating.

Military men shave their hair so that they don't have to spend too much time on grooming and styling. Being on the field affords them very little time for grooming. Having close shaven hair will also prevent the enemy from getting grab of the military man's hair in combat.

Some people choose to remove their hair because they can't prevent their hair from falling off anyway such as in the case of cancer patients who undergo chemotherapy.

Certain religions also have body hair removal as part of their cultures. As an example, monks often shave their heads. Muslims often remove pubic and armpit hairs. While some religions require removal of certain bodily hair, there are also some that require the growth of beards and the forbidding of removal of hair in specific parts of the body.

Body hair removal throughout the entire body can also be used as punishment. This can be an awful punishment for people who consider hair as sacred. Nazis used to cut off Jews' beards because the Jews kept their hair long as part of their culture.

More useful tips on body hair removal, articles, news and resources could be found at