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Below are a few frequently asked questions about different perspiration smell

Q. What makes perspiration smell?

A. Perspiration is composed of water and salt, which is odorless. However, when sweat begins to break down, which happens very rapidly, it produces secretion from the skin. Once the secretion get exposed to the air, it cause the perspiration to smell. The body odor begins when sweat mixes with the bacteria that's on your skin.

Q. How to extract perspiration smells from sweaty feet?

A. This is a hot sweaty topic, especially in the summer months and in some parts of the world it is always summer or at least hot. I will start from the beginning, I won't assume anything, the first steps to reduce or eliminate perspiration smells from your sweaty feet; Wash your feet thoroughly with antibacterial soap. To remove dead skin, which we all have, exfoliate your feet. You can purchase an exfoliator at any drug store, in the cosmetics aisle. Soak your feet in black tea, the tannic acid helps to reduce the moisture in your feet. Spray your feet with deodorant or antiperspirant before putting on your shoes and socks.

Q. How to remove perspiration smell out of clothes?

A. Some times after washing your clothes the smell of perspiration is still noticeable; You may want to try this easy solution: First, pre-soak your items in baking soda, the baking soda will draw out the perspiration odor. After soaking, wash your clothes with a slightly hotter water temperature than usual. However, keep in mind your garments should be machine washable and color safe if you do this.

Q. Why does my perspiration have a sour smell?

A. We all know that sweating is a natural process designed to cool our body temperature down and eliminate toxins from the body. Without doubt, regular bathing will remove surface bacteria and proper deodorants will help control the odor. Also drinking less alcoholic beverages and eating more fruits and veggies will help.

Q. How to Destroy Musty Perspiration Smell

A. Normally, the first thing most people think when having any type of perspiration problem is that they need a stronger deodorant. However, according to research, many times that musty smell, often comes from an infection or fungus. Which could be good news. Why? Because once you learn the cause... then you can focus on the cure.

If you're wondering how you contracted fungus, you may never know, because fungus is highly contagious. Lets concentrate on the cure... one effective treatment is chlorine. Yep! Although we are using chlorine which can be pretty potent, curing it won't be immediate. You will need to kill the fungus by washing everything in chlorine, you, your clothes, bed linen, etc. for a while to see if the odor subsides.

Chlorine is one of the chemicals that's used in pools to kill bacteria; IE. like fungus. Remember uncommon situations may call for uncommon cures.. But if all else fails, talk with your dermatologist, they may have some additional suggestions.

Q. How to remove Perspiration Smell from dry clean only clothes.

A. This seems to be a big concern, and that's rightfully, for two logical reasons; dry clean only clothes can cost double or triple what machine washable clothes cost. Next, the most obvious thing is that machine washable clothes can be pre-soaked before washing them. So what do you do?

One answer is, you will have to use a dry cleaning process. There are a few products on the market, IE..Dryel is one that I've used before. It uses heat to activate releasing vapors. These vapors help remove odors, such as sweat smells and smoke. Your clothes come out of the dryer clean and fresh.

Body Odor In Young Children
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Perspiration Smell FAQ