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Not a subject that we like to talk about, body odor can be a real problem for some people. Here are a few ideas that might help if you suffer from this problem.

After you take a shower, prepare turnip juice by grating a turnip, squeezing the juice through cheesecloth till you get 2 teaspoons. vigorously massage a teaspoon of the turnip juice into each armpit.

Dietary Remedies:

Perhaps you are a heavy meat eater and are troubled by body odor. Try to ease off the meat and poultry, fill up on green leafy vegetables instead and you should see a big difference in a short time. Maybe you won't perspire less, but the smell will not be as strong, plus, the change of diet will be healthier for you.

As well as eating the green leafy vegetables, you could take a 500 mg capsule of wheat grass (powdered juice) daily. Alternately, you could drink an ounce of wheat grass juice, providing your local health food store sells it. You should take it on an empty stomach. The chlorophyll can reduce body odor dramatically or eliminate it completely.

Does stress rule your life? Stress or tension can cause excessive perspiration, hence unpleasant body odors. Sage tea could work for you. Take 1 1/2 teaspoons of dried sage, or two tea bags in a cup of water, allowing it to steep for 10 minutes. Throughout the day, drink it in small doses, and you will feed more relaxed.

You may have heard the slogan "Think Zinc - Don't Stink". A Pennsylvania man rid himself of body odor by taking 30 mg of zinc every day, and within two weeks, he was smelling like a rose. Caution: High amounts of zinc may increase a man's risk of developing prostate cancer. Some people can get stomachaches. Make sure to consult your doctor for the proper dosage.

Body Odor

Linda is passionate about finding alternative remedies for everyday maladies. Another passion is computers and everything that relates to them. Come check out her latest website at [] which helps people find the best external CD burners [] available.

Body Odor - Natural Remedies

Body Odor